Monday 30 May 2011

The Moaning Minority

When one starts to look at local elections, the picture is not always as clear as one would wish. As you walk up the Parade you can hear passing conversations, about poor parking facilities, double yellow lines outside banks, a Bus Station that isn't, no bus inspectors or bus information office for potential passengers.
In poor weather, snow, rain, frost and high winds more of the shopping area is open to the weather than is protected from it. The moan is not to totally enclose the area but to ensure that shop frontage have a window verandah. Away from the centre potholes seem to be the main problem.
What bothers me however, is that if 10,637 of the electors do not bother to vote, because they are satisfied with things as they are, then they are not going to be the moaners, so all those moans and groans are coming from those that voted. As a person that considers himself as a responsible person I find it sad that because I used the vote that my ancestors fought for, I have become a moaning minor! I need to consider my position

Local Elections

On the 5th May 2011 we had the latest round of Local Elections and, as usual, there was a poor turn out of electors. There is no point in gathering together reams of statistics to show trends and variations in electoral expectations, in short, those that didn't vote are quite happy with the situation and see no need for change.

In my Ward, Sutton Vesey, 18,528 of us have the vote and on the day, 5th May, 7891 of us, 42.59%, voted. The vote cast was:- Conservative 3,864 (48.97%)
Labour. 3,118 (39.51%)
Liberal/Dem. 463 ( 5.53%)
Green Party. 424 ( 5.37%)
The question is what happened to the missing 10,637 voters? Whatever it was, it must have been serious. The mereorological office report it was cool with light winds, the NHS say admissions to hospitals were of the usual order. The AA & Rac report business as normal. Birmingham Airport and British Rail both report business as usual. So I ask the question again, 'What happened to those missing voters'?

I think it reasonable to ask the Birmingham City Council to explain where these 10,000+ voters went to. The Council is the biggest employer in the region, several thousand of the missing could be employed by the Council. The Council provide the Polling Booth, and the vote is counted on Council Premises, and the Lord Mayor announces the winner