Friday 13 January 2012

I like Reading.

I like reading, be it  books, newspapers, magazines or even the labels on the back of sauce bottles. I read those 'Official' letters that come through post, to see if I can understand the jargon they contain. And what about all those signs, erected on posts at the side of the road and all those signs screwed, painted or pasted on the walls of buildings, do they need to be read.?

The answer, generally is yes, because all are attempts to communicate. The originator of the written or printed words is attempting to bring to your notice information. The information may be a list of books on history, geography, crime etc. It may be information on recent changes in legislation or an insight into the latest trends in women's fashions or to computer technology, it may be the best route from A to B.

Having read the communication, which could include 'Instructions ', 'Warnings', 'Directions', 'Good News', 'Bad News','Praise' 'Sympathy', and so on what action is required to show that the receiver of the communication has received, read and understood the message? There is no simple answer to that question.

Each piece of information received requires to be considered, and if action is required the appropriate action is taken. For example, you are alone in your car driving along a road and a sign, erected on the side of the road, informs you that you are now leaving Stratford-upon-Avon and wishes you a Safe Journey. Action required, none.

You continue on your journey along the country lanes and are confronted with a series of official looking signs, 'Reduce Speed'  'Slow' 'DANGER'. You are approaching a road bridge that crosses a river, there is a large sign by the bridge saying 'UNSAFE for ROAD TRAFFIC' followed by another sign which reads 'DETOUR' with a large arrow pointing to the left. What action is required?

You stop, look at your road map and workout that the detour will add about 30 miles to your journey, what action is required? Remember its a quiet country lane in the middle of nowhere, its warm and sunny, you are on your own in the car, and there are no people around. What action is required?

The following week in the local Coroners Court a police spokesman informed the Coroner that a short distance down stream from the collapsed road bridge, a car, with a drowned person still in the drivers seat, and  held in position by the seat belt, had been found submerged in deep water. The police spokesman said that an investigation into the cause of the event would continue.

Is it possible that the writer of the message and the reader of the message had failed to communicate?

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